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Writer's pictureUnstoppableRevKev


“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

-Romans 6:23

The Bible states of the wicked, “a scorching wind will be their lot.” It's hard to think of anyone who'd get excited about being stranded in a scorching desert for five minutes, never mind forever! But thinking that we'll get into heaven because we're good people who've done enough good stuff according to our own subjective standards to cover our entrance fee... THAT is the grandest of all delusions.

The Christian doctrine of total depravity (i.e. we can do absolutely nothing to resolve our fateful condition as sinners separated from God) isn’t a doctrine of God-imposed shame or guilt. Those are some of the filthy tools of our enemy. Instead, awareness of our total depravity is a divine gift of love and grace from The LORD.

The rebel says in their heart, “A loving god wouldn’t do…” this or that! We can speculate endlessly about what we think is proper for God to say and do. We can continue deciding for ourselves what is good and what is evil just as they did in Eden. Armchair quarterbacks always know what's best in their own delusional minds. If you added all the armchair quarterbacks wins together throughout history... the grand total is still ZERO. Never once has an armchair quarterback led a team to the playoffs or a championship. Yet we believe in our corrupted hearts and sinful minds that we know better than God Almighty.

What we know, because it has been revealed to us, is that The Father gave His only begotten Son…

What we know, because it has been revealed to us, is that The Lamb of God gave Himself away at the Cross for our sins…

What we know, because it has been revealed to us, is that The Holy Spirit came to dwell in the hearts & lives of faithful saints who are born-again by grace through faith into Christ’s Body & Bride.

God abhors violence and every manifestation of sin with a passion. Yet, while we were still corrupt, depraved, helpless, and filthy sinners, Christ died for us. Noodle that for a moment!

Christ didn’t die for us after we cleaned up our acts or when we resolved, “I'm gonna start working on me!” No. While still in the deepest, darkest, and dankest depths of our sin, that's when King Jesus fulfilled His mission and said, “It is finished.” When we could do absolutely nothing for ourselves, not even recognize it, that's when Christ died for us.

He died so we could exit the highway to hell and experience life in Him. He didn’t die so we could find peace and contentment on the way to perpetual torment. The Cross wasn't so we could continue wallowing in the muck of our sins.

Christ will do precisely as He promised: He will return in the glory of The Father and the holy angels. Thankfully, those who confess with their lips that Jesus is LORD, and have faith in their heart that God raised Him from the dead, will see His face! We won’t be judged on our best or worst day(s)… we’ll be judged exclusively on His!!!

Fiery coals and burning sulfur will rain down upon the wicked, just as He said. An unending scorching wind will be their lot because of their choosing it.

That was me before Christ. That's everyone apart from the Holy Spirit's regeneration. No other world religion or cult will tell you the truth. It's not about us ascending to something greater... it's about God condescending because of His great love for us.

Being a Christian isn’t about checking the boxes or having figured it out. There’s nothing to boast about ever apart from Christ Jesus. It’s not about having picked the right team, the right denomination, or the right doctrinal camp. It's not about reciting the right creed, adhering to the right confession. It's not about how many times we've read the Bible, how much Scripture we've memorized, or any human effort or endeavor. It’s exclusively about the unmerited grace of God on glorious display in the lives of His people perpetually responding in the unity of thanksgiving and praise as members of His Body & Bride.

If you want to pray a prayer that'll be answered with 100% certainty? Pray, “Our Father in heaven, greatly honored is Your Name. Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The book of Revelation reveals that all of history is moving inevitably to that end game. Some will see His face and enter into His Presence forever.

Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father. The question is will you do it as a response to the Holy Spirit's regeneration - prompting recognition of your own depravity and sin -or- will you be part of the group doing it under compulsion, just as the demons do as they tremble, just before entering the perpetual howling wasteland of scorching wind?

Imagine buying a friend a $1,000,000 gift card. Now imagine them not accepting it and never accessing it. God's mercy and grace are gifts paid in full. If we never accept it... never receive it... never own it... never access it... never wear it... then we'll never enjoy all its benefits.

The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Let today be the day you finally turn from your sinful pride and accept that FREE gift of God's incalculable and unstoppable love!

Merry Christmas!

Kevin M. Kelley

PS: If you'd like another FREE gift, shoot me your email and I'll send you a free e-copy of my children's book, UNSTOPPABLE!


The LORD is in His holy temple;

the LORD is on His heavenly throne.

He observes everyone on earth;

His eyes examine them.

The LORD examines the righteous,

but the wicked, those who love violence,

He hates with a passion.

On the wicked He will rain

fiery coals and burning sulfur;

a scorching wind will be their lot.

For the LORD is righteous,

He loves justice;

the upright will see His face.

-Psalm 11:4-7


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