Our enemy, the adversary (Satan), the eternally defeated one, deeply desires for us to believe. Not to believe in the unique, perfect, and holy God of eternal Trinity who are Father, Son, and Spirit... but that both he and God do not exist. The adversary attempts to convince us through lies and deception. In response, we readily abandon ourselves to a myriad of ultimately worthless pursuits.
When the Spirit of God graciously stirs our hearts... when we call out to Jesus Christ for deliverance from our prison of sin... God immediately snatches us from the clutches of the enemy - whose next line of defense is to minimize our impact.
The enemy tells the redeemed of God that our lives, efforts, and ministries are utterly insignificant. He offers us all the kingdoms of the world by whispering, "Seize and squeeze the juice out of the day all for yourself because you deserve it!"
He whispers subtle yet convincing lies, e.g. that our ministry efforts are "minuscule," our faith is "feeble,” and the "ordinary" life of the “mundane" is beneath us.
The crafty serpent wants us to believe we're nothing like the "real" heroes of faith in Scripture. He persuades us into believing that our existence is incomparable with the "magnificent" martyrs of history.
God Almighty says otherwise. As, members of Christ's Body & Bride, are the pinnacle of the Creator's creation! The King of Eternity purchased her with His own blood!
Satan sinisterly suggests, "You won't REALLY be missed in gospel fellowship today!" He encourages us to sleep in, stay home, watch the show, or just take a day for ourselves. He tries to convince us that our divinely given gifts, our extravagant contributions, and our joyful presence in the Body of Christ are utterly meaningless.
He incessantly pesters us into playing the catastrophic church game of “hide-and-seek,” skipping out on fellowship for no other reason than to see if anyone notices or cares.
If anyone does notice - we complain about feeling "harassed." If they don't notice - we wallow in the self-inflicted misery of being dismissed, deserted, or forgotten.
All our attention should be on worshiping Christ rather than playing games in some twisted attempt to steal His glorious spotlight.
The adversary's inheritance is eternal gloom, not glory! There's no mystery about the story's ending (Rev 20:10). The tomb was found empty! The Christ is forever risen! He's returning soon to gather His redeemed Bride unto Himself forever!
So the question becomes, what will you do with your redemption in Christ between now and then? Listen to the enemy's lies? Play games? Squander divine gifts purchased by the King’s blood at Calvary?
Will you continue holding onto past hurts and allow them to define you? Will you spend your days pursuing the worthless things of the world -or- will you have an IMPACT for King Jesus and His eternal glory?
Somewhere in northern Ghana an orphanage and school were started with nothing more than a little boy's obedience in donating his modest savings for a toy...
Somewhere in eastern China, a hospital for women with HIV and abandoned baby girls rescued from fields and human sex trafficking was started with a dream from a young woman who was once raped while on mission there…
Just like the poor widow who gave two tiny copper coins in joyful obedience totally abandoned unto Christ, there's absolutely no limit to what God can - and will - do with your surrender - with your abandon unto Him - with your love and life poured out for Him and His eternal glory!
Like shooting stars blazing across the night's sky or like a single drop of water sending ripples across a vast ocean - one simple and seemingly meaningless act of obedience unto Christ lights up the darkest depths of Hell and sends impact tremors throughout eternity!
What will you choose today?
Grace and Peace,
Kevin M. Kelley
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