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Writer's pictureUnstoppableRevKev


Being a student of World History is a very sobering exercise. The truth of Proverbs 26:11 becomes so incredibly and painfully palpable in observing humanity’s relentless pursuit of autonomy apart from our Creator.

Each and every generation arrogantly assumes they are the ones with the answer in the form of some dubious concoction of philosophical, technological, political, religious, and/or social reformation or invention. Each so pridefully endeavors to annihilate the bonds of our self-imposed exile, only to compound the predicament of our depravity.

G. Michael Hopf wrote, “Hard times create good men. Good men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.”

Hopf’s words sound deep and insightful, but they are far from revolutionary. They merely expose the inherent ignorance and futility of humanity apart from Christ, i.e. the best we can do, apart from God, is to compound, exacerbate, and intensify our self-imposed cycle of perpetual pain, suffering, and bondage.

Hard times don’t, in fact, create good men, for there is nothing “good” in us apart from the Holy Trinity God of Scripture.

“Good men” don’t, in fact, create “good times.” History exposes the kind of “good” and “equality” we create, despite our best intentions, invariably comes at the expense and detriment of others.

“Good times” don’t, in fact, create weak men, they merely provide ample opportunity to expose what’s been festering since Eden’s rebellion: our corruption, depravity, narcissism, and death.

“Weak men” don’t, in fact, create hard times, fallen man does. It’s perpetual. It’s inevitable. It’s the manifestation of our inherent pride and unavoidable folly apart from Christ.

Atheists, nihilists, secular humanists, and others advocate the rejection of "God" because there is suffering in the world. Ironically, the denial of God’s existence does nothing to resolve the inherent woes and reality of suffering. Instead, it compounds humanity's predicament by eliminating the only solution - Christ.

Scoffers argue that in order for God and suffering to exist simultaneously, He would either need to be ignorant, incapable, or both to allow it. What they fail to account for is two-fold: 1) the inherent corruption humanity, and 2) time.

God is neither ignorant of evil and suffering, nor is He incapable of resolving it. Instead, He is patient - aaffording us, depraved humanity, ample opportunity to either continue down the wide path of destruction we freely chose, or accept His FREE and gracious gift of grace and forgiveness in Christ Jesus.

God the Son, Christ Jesus, irrupted into time, space, and history in the flesh to reveal Himself as The Way, Truth, and Life. Sinful man finds both our inability and Christ's exclusivity intolerably offensive.

History exposes that apart from Christ we are doomed to an endless cycle of self-imposed pain, suffering, and torment at our own hands.

King Jesus went to the cross and left Joseph's tomb vacant - not to make a fallen and sinful world more enjoyable or bearable, but to save us from ourselves and bring us back into His life-giving presence forever.

That gift can never be enjoyed if we reject the gift of free grace or its divine Giver. Today is an opportunity to break free of the endless cycle of self-imposed human suffering called hell, and become a citizen of heaven in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Allow His suffering and sacrifice at the cross to put an end to yours.




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