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"Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance."

-John 20:1

The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands as the pivotal event in history. It is the cornerstone of our faith, the bedrock upon which everything else rests. Let's delve into some compelling evidence that supports the resurrection, examining its impact and the enduring faith it inspired.

Empty Tomb:

The Gospel accounts unanimously testify to the empty tomb. After Jesus’s crucifixion, His followers placed His lifeless body in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb. Three days later, the tomb was discovered empty—Jesus had risen, just as He said! The empty tomb is critical because if Jesus’s body had been recovered, Christianity would have been falsified at its inception. The early witnesses to this event had no reason to doubt its authenticity, and the Jewish authorities even acknowledged the empty tomb while concocting an alternative explanation.

Roman Guards:

The Roman guards stationed at the tomb faced a daunting task. Their duty was to ensure the tomb’s security, preventing any tampering. These soldiers were not mere bystanders; they were rigorously trained, disciplined, and committed to their duty. The Roman seal placed over the tomb was sacred to them, defacing it punishable by death. Yet, despite their vigilance, the tomb was found empty. The guards, who had no interest in this assignment, were confronted with an inexplicable reality. Their failure to prevent the resurrection carried severe consequences, including potential execution. Their testimony—whether willingly or reluctantly—adds weight to the resurrection account.

Faith of Followers:

The unwavering faith of Jesus’s disciples and early believers is remarkable. These men and women witnessed His crucifixion, yet their faith remained steadfast. Consider:

•Postmortem Appearances: Jesus appeared to them alive after His death. These appearances were not mere visions; they were physical, tangible encounters. The diversity of these appearances—men, women, friends, enemies, indoors, outdoors—defies explanation through hallucinations. Their unwavering conviction in these encounters fueled their proclamation of the risen Christ.

•Martyrdom: Many early Christians faced persecution and death for their faith. They willingly endured torture, imprisonment, and execution rather than renounce their belief in the resurrected Jesus. Their unwavering commitment underscores the authenticity of their experiences.

•Changed Lives: The transformation in the disciples—from fearful deserters to bold evangelists—heralds the resurrection’s impact. Their unwavering faith propelled them to spread the Gospel across cultures and continents.

•Historical and Theological Evidence:

Beyond eyewitness accounts, historical and theological evidence supports the resurrection:

•Early Christian Creeds: The earliest Christian creeds, recorded in the New Testament, emphasize Jesus’s resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3). These creeds predate the Gospels and attest to the foundational belief in His victory over death.

•Societal Impact: The rapid growth of Christianity in the face of persecution defies natural explanations. The resurrection message transformed lives, societies, and worldviews.

•Empty Tomb Theory Challenges: Skeptics proposed theories like body theft or wrong tomb, but none adequately explain the empty tomb and subsequent events.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ transcends historical curiosity; it demands a response. Whether we encounter it as a skeptic, seeker, or believer, the evidence beckons us to consider the profound implications. The empty tomb, the Roman guards’ dilemma, and the unwavering faith of His followers converge to proclaim: He is risen indeed!

May this truth resonate in our hearts, transforming doubt into unwavering faith.


He is risen!

Blessings & love,

Kevin M. Kelley

My Easter sermon >HERE<

My YouTube channel >HERE<


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