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Writer's pictureUnstoppableRevKev


When Jesus instructs us not to worry in Matt 6:25, He’s building on the Hebrew verb שׂוּם which means to be anxious, to put something in place or to set something in motion.

In Luke 9:51, Jesus set His face resolutely for Jerusalem. As The Lamb slain from the foundation of the cosmos, He wasn’t about to be deterred by emotions, feelings, human opposition, demonic activity, or the Devil himself.

The world wants us to be distracted from the actual mission of God, i.e. sharing the Good News that Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, is the resurrected Son of God.

The world wants us to take on pet projects like social justice, compelled speech, Constitutional Rights, pro-life, humanitarian relief, etc. But the problem is that those things are Satan’s greatest weapons against the ministry of the Gospel.

Being consumed with good deeds, paying it forward, doing right, moral integrity, and Christian values are NOT the same thing as being consumed with the ministry of the Gospel. It’s not the same as being consumed by the Holy Spirit.

King Jesus never asked or commanded us to be social justice warriors. He never commanded us to be lobbyists for political change. Two things He did command are:

1) Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…

2) Disciple all nations… baptizing… teaching…

We can worry about, complain, stress over, and set our faces resolutely on all that’s wrong with this broken world. We can “pray for America,” and continue to watch things go down the toilet, or we can actually obey our Sovereign Lord.

If we’re wondering why things are the way they are, we should stop blaming sinners for acting like disobedient sinners, and focus instead on saints acting like obedient saints.

In the parable of the soils King Jesus said that when the seed of the kingdom is planted among the thorns, “worries of this age and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful.”

In contrast, He said that the seed of the kingdom planted in good soil “is one who hears and understands the Word, who produces fruit and yields: some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty times what was sown.”

Attempting to reverse engineer the kingdom of heaven through worrying about social justice, human rights, or political reform is an affront to the Cross of Christ. It’s subversive to the ministry of the Gospel.

So rather than posting, gossiping, and setting our faces on the worries of this age, let’s instead set our faces on the things our King instructed: 1) seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and 2) discipling all nations… baptizing… and teaching them to obey everything He commanded.

If we are not unaware of Satan’s schemes, then let’s get to being about our Heavenly Father’s business. Let’s drop the worry and bring about His Kingdom on earth suited up in the Armor of God! What'll it be: worrier or warrior? It can't be both.

Grace and Peace,

Kevin M. Kelley

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